Digital cameras are great in many ways and often make the mandatory vacation shots much more delightful as you can check the image on the spot and (often) redo it until you have the image you want. There are a few catches though – you do need to learn how they work. I’ve learned there’s a challenge waiting for me – undelete some images on a xD media, which accidentally got deleted. Luckily there seems to be software available which can do just that.
MAME seems to have revived the childhood of computing and brought back the memories of fried food, beeping sounds and coins disappearing in an endless flow in to the cabinet of the local arcade machines. Playing MAME today doesn’t absolutely require an arcade machine (hooked up to a pc), but it does feel quite the same. (from the MAME FAQ:) “MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with an arcade game’s data files (ROMs), MAME will more or less faithfully reproduce that game on a PC. MAME can currently emulate over 2600 unique (and over 4600 in total) classic arcade video games from the three decades of video games - ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, and some from the current millennium.”
I was installing Windows on a new computer with a CD-burner. As the burner was the only drive available I was using it to install windows. It came around haft way through the installation, when suddenly there was a large cracking sound from the machine. It sounded like a fuse blew or something – the more picturesque minds at the office described the sound as if the motherboard split into two pieces or more. I wasn’t quite sure what to think.
Last weekend I got a bunch of old vacation photos (from my pre-digital photography days) scanned from negatives. Due to some accidental circumstances we couldn’t get hold of the air compressor needed to clean (blow dust off) the negatives and that has been quite a pain.
The problem is that even small dust particles become fairly large once the scan is complete. While we did try to remove the dust before scanning it wasn’t too successful and so it’s been a lot of hard work fixing the images throughout the week.
It seems producers of drinking water, soft drinks and other bottled liquids have a hard time deciding how to tell how much is in one of their containers. Lately I’ve been wondering why they write the content measurement the way they do. I can understand that somewhere they use a system different from the metric system, which would make it natural to write in strange measures, but even if narrowed down to a “national metric market” where the liquid within the container is exactly one liter there seems to be at least three common ways of writing the measure.