
30 November / / Fotografi

photo_sales Selling images on iStockPhoto is a funny. Usually I’ve seen a slight increase from month to month, but during the summer this year, the curve has been decreasing to an all time low in September.

Well the past two months have been really good and while the monthly income hasn’t reached the spring levels, things are looking up it seems - Which is good as I bought a new Nikon D300s and just order a new (i)Mac.

01 November / / Hverdag

De seneste par år har det været fast tradition, at tage i dyrehaven og se Hubertus jagten (wikipedia). I 2009 lå den første November, og selvom det var noget koldt og blæsende, så var det alligevel hyggeligt. Her er et par billeder fra dagen.

[gallery link=“file” orderby=“title”]

17 October / / Hverdag / Netnyt

Every so often I’d like to save something as a PDF for future reference. Most often it’s webpages (for my own use), but also other things like documents, spreadsheets and other stuff for distribution in a format which – most likely – is readable by anyone.

It turned out, that using Ubuntu, creating a PDF is pretty straight forward as long as the content is printable. While I do seem to have tried it earlier without any luck, in Ubuntu 9.04 (maybe earlier versions and maybe other Linux distributions), making a PDF of anything is just a matter of choosing “File” -> “Print” and then choosing the printer “Print to file”. Here you have the option to either print to a Postscript file or a PDF. Isn’t that nice.

22 September / / Rejser

Flying in from Brunei, the final stop on the GAP trip was Kuala Lumpur. No time to explore the city, but that didn’t really matter, as we had booked an extra week in KLCC - Kuala Lumpur City Centre - and had time to explore the city on our own. [googlemap lat=“3.233178” lng=“101.708313” width=“300px” height=“150px” zoom=“8” type=“G_NORMAL_MAP”]Malaysia[/googlemap] [gallery link=“file”]

16 September / / Rejser

Arriving from Sepilok & Sandakan we had time to explore Kota Kinabalu. The most interesting was the night market by the sea. Leaving Kota Kinabalu we flew to Brunei and had time to explore the capital - Bandar Seri Begawan.

[googlemap lat=“4.9431” lng=“114.9425” width=“300px” height=“150px” zoom=“8” type=“G_NORMAL_MAP”]Brunei Darussalam[/googlemap]

[gallery link=“file”]

The final stop on the GAP trip was in Kuala Lumpur - where we had a week more to explore the city.